This week, we have welcomed representatives from our dealer partners all over the country for training at our headquarters in Corby.

Our technical guru in Sweden, Christer Abrahamson, flew over to take the training, giving delegates latest updates on our systems and installation.

We had different levels of expertise in the room. Some delegates had been with System Edström’s solutions for a couple of years or more, while some were new to our products. To help introduce them to the company, our commercial director David Sawford gave the attendees an overview of System Edström and its history.

Christer then took the reins to take the delegates through the basics of how System Edström’s racking solutions work, giving them an understanding of how our products are installed, specific measurements, essential tools and more. The session then looked at assembling our racking, with a focus on making sure everyone knows how to install the system in the van safely and securely – perhaps the most important aspect of the training.

As well as the technical side of things, the sessions also served as an introduction to the company and how we work. “It’s all about working together and having a good time in the spirit of the System Edström family,” said Christer.

Pictured with their training certificates are (left to right): Karl Shelley, Paul Joyce, Sandor Piri and Ryan Thomas.